Saturday, February 27, 2010

From Mr. Roboto to Man Boobs...

A bit of a delay in getting off the latest post. A couple of the latest happenings in our little kingdom.

  • Went to a camping and RV show a couple of weeks ago. I must say that persons residing outside the castle walls and at this particular event were quite a curious sort. My perceptions that people who are passionate about camping are in good shape (you know, hiking, canoeing, camping etc.) was quite ill conceived. I had to wonder at the girth of some and thought it quite possible the Earth could indeed be revolving around them one day.
  • As we left one of the buildings to go home, Princess Shannon somehow lost her balance and fell into one of the crowd control barriers, giving the Royal Family quite a hearty laugh. To which she quipped, "Apparently, one isn't allowed to be clumsy in this family."
  • Last week, after finishing the week's worth of work requirements, I loaded the kids in the carriage and headed to N.H. to surprise my mom for her birthday. It's a 3+ hour ride, and though I had worked for 8 hours already that day, the ride was a breeze as we blasted Mr. Roboto and sang at the top of our lungs with absolutely no shame to be found. I suggest the next time you're bored on a long ride to test this classic on your kids. 3 plays and they'll be hooked.
  • Though I feel I put in a good workweek, today I was determined to get my cabinets organized. No small task, I assure you. What inspired me? If I had to see the Family Guy's man boobs taking up room in my cabinet one more day, I was going to lose it. 

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