Thursday, May 24, 2007

The early bird catches the (sanity) worm

Are you letting your kids be your alarm clock in the morning? Getting shaken awake by your young ones is about as invited as your dog on your newly waxed floor after rolling in a mud pile. You just want to scream "get out!" Is this really a good way to start your day?

You must get up before your children if you really intend on making it through motherhood with some brain cells left.

"But I go to bed so late. I'm too exhausted to wake up early."

Does Letterman or Leno have to see you drag your cranky ass up in the morning? Do yourself and your children a favor: Be up and ready when the troops arrive.

You need this time to yourself, because by the time you get those little energy drainers to bed in the evening, you can't truly enjoy that alone time because you have nothing left in you to enjoy it. It won't be easy at first if your not accustomed to seeing the sun rise, but you and your children will be happier for it.

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