Friday, May 25, 2007

What to do, what to do?

I've just been given a gift via email from my boss...

Subject line:

U can go @ 2: 30 today

I'm thinking "oh, goodie, goodie." (These little gifts do not happen across my desk very often, trust me.)

So now I must decide: what kind of a mother do I want to be today?

Option 1-I could head home right away, arrive around the same time as my little angels, spend some time in the yard, and take my time preparing our evening feast.

Yeah, right. By 4:00 I will be saying to myself "WHY did I think this would be a good idea?" after I've broken up the 3rd round of arguing between those said "angels".

Option 2-Head down the street to a popular restaurant/bar to have a couple drinks and a few laughs along with other local business folks.

What do you think QM would do?

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