Monday, January 25, 2010

Always Call Ahead ...

It was a lovely weekend, and on Saturday my husband decided to take his royal family out to lunch. He had a hankering for the splendorous pizza at Pizzeria Regina in our local mall - it never disappoints to fill a hungry belly with style.

We eagerly turned our way through the obstacle course of patrons in the food court - all smiles and joking because for some reason we were really in the mood for some great pizza that day, and our craving was about to be satisfied. That's when we noticed the lack of greasy cheese odors in the air - instead we were greeted by the vision of plywood ... boarding up my favorite eatery at the mall.

Smiles turned into frowns and confusion. "Of all days, the day when we come here specifically to go to this one restaurant, it's closed?" If people were watching us, it must have been a pretty funny site. We stood in the middle of the food court looking around like a family without a country. "Maybe they moved it," my King suggested. A quick search of the perimeter ensued -nothing.

It was at that moment we all looked at each other and began to laugh our royal behinds off, because never did we go to the mall with this restaurant as the main reason for going. It was always the afterthought after doing some shopping. The irony made the whole thing seem ridiculously funny to us.

For over 10 years, this was my place of choice to eat on our numerous excursions to the mall. It was quick, and I could either have a greasy cheese slice or one piled with killer fresh veggies. Instead we turned and went into Friendly's, which is fine if you want to wait 25 minutes to get your meal, and pay twice as much.

Never take something as simple as a favorite place to eat for granted. Take time to appreciate every morsel you can - before the economy throws the place out of business.

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