Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Things Kids Argue About

The pecking of the keys only adds to my headache - courtesy of Princess Shannon and Prince Michael.

Over the course of dinner this evening, fierce debate ensued over whether Prince Michael could play Duke Kanye West's music within earshot of Princess Shannon. You see, Prince Michael is a Kanye West fan, and Princess Shannon is a fan of Duchess Taylor Swift. If you have an even minor inkling on the pulse of popular culture, you know why this is a hot button topic for a 12 and 15 year-old. If you don't, just take a peek at the embedded video.

Shannon was at one time a Kanye West fan, but after his rude interruption of Taylor Swift, stealing her thunder quicker than one of the vagabond children in Oliver Twist could lift a pocket watch, Shannon swore out of principle she would no longer listen to or support Mr. West's musical endeavours.

Four months have passed since the incident, yet to hear Shannon, it might as well have been 5 minutes ago. I'm proud she's sticking to her guns, but I have to it truly out of principle, or does she just want to annoy the hell out of her brother?

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