Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Sleepovers, Weepovers

Having sleepovers were a dreaded thing for me in the past for a few reasons...

1. I couldn't yell at my kids with the normal gusto I usually bestowed upon them when they did something wrong.

2. I had to slave over the griddle longer for an extra batch of pancakes

3. Hearing "Why don't I get to have someone sleep over?? *insert sibling name* gets to have someone sleep over. It's not fair!"

4. Being woken up at 3 a.m. with fits of high-pitch laughter from the adjacent bedroom.

5. Having to repeat numerous times "He/She is your guest. You should do what they want to do. You can't force them to play something they don't want to play." and then hearing in reply, "But it's OUR house." Perfectly sound argument, until I think about how this translates into real life..."Hey there, Boss, I know you wanted that report on your desk by Noon, but hey man, it's MY life."

In any case, now that all three of my children are at an age when they can all have sleepovers, it's been great. In fact, I make it a point to have all three have someone over on the same night as to avoid Reason #3.

"6 Kids?!" you say?

But honestly, it is easier because God knows how siblings will fight, but when their friends are within earshot...best behavior all around. After all, they don't want their friends to go back to school on Monday telling everyone in class what raving lunatics they really are behind closed doors. Best leave that information to the blood relatives only.

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