Friday, June 22, 2007

There's no place like home...there's no place like home

Yes, indeed, summer vacation for the kiddies has arrived. This is much to the delight of Queen Mum, but much to the chagrin of King Pop, who must sleep during the day and then ride off on his horse at night to keep us from royal bankruptcy.

The morning mood in the house is decidedly more relaxed. For the next two months I can relish the fact that I won't have to yell...

"Will you just (insert one of the following)

get dressed
brush your hair/teeth
stop fighting with your sister/brother
eat you breakfast
find your recorder
stop playing with the dog
put your homework in your backpack
make your bed
stop complaining about how much you hate your school/teacher/the kid who sits next to you

before you miss the bus again!"

This morning, in fact, Princess Brianna came into my room as I was getting ready to leave for work; she was sleepy, yet smiling. "Wow, Mum, you look beau'ful. When you retire can I have that shirt?"

I love those little golden nuggets that fall into my lap on occasion. Now I'm on my way to my 36th birthday this summer, and with the fat ass mortgage we're carrying I don't plan on retiring for about another 30 years. "Of course you may have it, Princess Bri," I replied with a smile. Provided, of course, polyester and nylon have shelf lives 15 times that of the average Hollywood marriage. Does Cryogenics do shirts?

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